Digital design & animation studio, art agency
Whice studio
The new website is located at
Project mission:
- Develop the best web "tools" for authors to work with.Goals:
- Assemble a strong team
- Optimization of project/order management
- Dramatically increase order processing speed without sacrificing quality
- Lots of experiments!

Whice VTube
Whice Agency

Whice Auctions
Whice Mascot
Contact us!
▪All the communication in regards to your project will be done exclusively from our official social media accounts: Jivo chat, [email protected], Vkontakte
▪The easiest and fastest way to contact us is to use the big button below or start a conversation with us in the pop-up Jivo Chat window at the bottom right of the screen.
❗We hereby ask you to refrain from contacting individual staff members to inquire about your project. This rule must be observed in order to centralize client communications in one place, freeing our team members from the responsibilities of dealing with Private Message inquiries.
© Whice Studio, 2022
Whice Studio
Terms of Service
General provisions Quick Summary
❗ Any inquiry in regards to your project will be done exclusively addressed to our official social media accounts, not to individual team members
❗ Filling in the form does NOT guarantee that your project will be accepted
❗ Slot booking/reservation : 30% of the total order amount.
❗ The remaining amount must be paid in advance 2 weeks before the 1st of the month for which the slot was booked.
❗ Clients must pay an additional 6% in concept of PayPal fees
❗ You commit to pay in full for the commissioned services
❗ Average order deadlines ~4-8 weeks
❗ We issue invoices through
▪ Registration is not required, the invoice is issued as a link to payment.✅ New clients: you will only be able to commission our services from the forms linked in our website/Twitter
✅ Existing clients: if you wish to upgrade/add content to your model, you can contact us directly so we can add you to our waitlist
✅ You can make money off your model, but only on streaming platforms (Twitch, YouTube, etc.) - if you print it and we're responsible for the character design, you must credit us
✅ We will offer technical support, but only in the unlikely case that you find bugs/errors in the provided files❕ If your want your project to be used in apps/video games, you must pay an additional%, for a of full commercial license. See details.
❕ Once the sketch is approved, no changes are accepted (Only in rare cases).
❕ Once you receive the first sketch proposal, you lose the right to request a refund
❕ Our reservation slots will remain open, as long as we're available, and will be closed if our quarterly quota is met.
❕ The slot date assigned to your project corresponds to its initialization, not to its full realization
❕ The assigned slot date indicates when we will begin working on your project, not when it will be finished
❕ We only support work with VTube Studio and Facerig.
❕ We carry out the work according to a previously prepared and confirmed OC design (Your or our).💲 Surcharge for limited NDA: +10% (+5% if you are a Twitch or YouTube Partner). NDA will be kept during the execution of the order and after its completion for no more than 3 months.
💲 Surcharge for NDA: +20% (+15% if you are a Twitch or YouTube Partner). NDA will be kept during the execution of the order and after its completion from 6 months or more.
💲 Urgent orders: Only in cases where we understand that we have the energy / time for this, and this can be done without delay for other orders. With a surcharge of 30% (no exceptions).
💲 Other Extra/Additions: Negotiated price depending on the complexity and interest
Whice VTube Quick Summary
❗ Любой запрос, связанный с вашим проектом, будет адресован исключительно доступным аккаунтам в социальных сетях.
❗ Заполнение формы НЕ гарантирует, что ваш проект будет принят
❗ Бронь: 30% от общей суммы заказа
❗ Остаток суммы необходимо увеличить за 2 недели до 1 числа месяцев, на который был зарезервирован слот.
❗ Вы обязуетесь полностью оплачивать заказанные услуги
❗ Средний срок выполнения заказа✅ Новые клиенты: вы можете заказать наши услуги только через формы, ссылки на которые есть на нашем веб-сайте/в Twitter.
✅ Существующие клиенты: если вы хотите обновить/добавить контент в свою модель, вы можете связаться с нашим интерфейсом, чтобы мы могли добавить вас в наш список ожидания.
✅ Вы можете зарабатывать деньги на своей модели, но только на стриминговых платформах (Twitch, YouTube и т. д.) - если вы распечатываете ее, а мы отвечаем за дизайн персонажа, вы должны указывать нас.
✅ Мы предложим техническую поддержку, но только в том маловероятном случае, если вы найдете ошибки/баги в предоставленных файлах.❕ Если вы хотите, чтобы ваш проект использовался в приложениях/видеоиграх, вы должны заплатить дополнительный % за полную коммерческую лицензию. Смотрите подробности.
❕ После утверждения эскиза никакие изменения не принимаются (Только в редких случаях).
❕ Как только вы получите первое предложение эскиза, вы потеряете право запросить возврат средств.
❕ Наши слоты для бронирования будут оставаться открытыми, пока мы доступны, и будут закрыты, если наша квартальная квота будет выполнена.
❕ Дата слота, назначенная вашему проекту, соответствует его инициализации, а не его полной реализации
❕ The assigned slot date indicates when we will begin working on your project, not when it will be finished
❕ We only support work with VTube Studio and Facerig.
❕ We carry out the work according to a previously prepared and confirmed OC design (Your or our).💲 Surcharge for limited NDA: +10% (+5% if you are a Twitch or YouTube Partner). NDA will be kept during the execution of the order and after its completion for no more than 3 months.
Whice Agency Quick Summary [SOON]
Whice Auctions Quick Summary [SOON]
General provisions
▪ We reserve the right to reject your project if we feel uncomfortable with your requests, or if we feel that we won't be able to fulfill your expectations.
▪ To create goods/services, we use software: Clip Studio Paint, VTube Studio, OBS, Streamlabs, Live2D Cubism, Adobe Photoshop, Paint Tool SAI, Vbridger.
▪ The files we deliver, are provided "as is"; therefore, we don't offer any kind of technical support for any kind of software
▪ However, we will offer support in the unlikely case that you find bugs/errors in the provided files.
▪ Contacting individual staff members for business inquiries or questions about your project will be considered a violation to our terms, and it might result in the cancellation of your slot, as well as business relationship exctintion between Whice Studio and you.
▪ It is forbidden in any way to discredit received files / service.
Payments and taxes
Payment methods
▪ Only PayPal.
▪ In some cases, we can consider payment by credit card, specify about it in advance.
PayPal tax
▪ 6% of the amount of the entire order.
▪ independent and not summed up with extra charges for additional services (NDA/Urgency/Exstra stuffs).
Payment plans
1) Booking: 30%. This is the minimum% of the price that you need to pay to get into the slot schedule.
❗ The remaining 70% must be paid in advance: 2 weeks in advance before 1st of the month for which the slot was booked.
❕ If you acquire a slot, work on which will begin after 2 weeks or less, then you will need to pay 100% of the order amount. Until 1 day of the month to which you buy a slot.
2) Halves 50%+50%. The same booking, but in halves.
3) Full 100%. For those wishing to pay with one transaction.
❕ Try to calculate your payment in such a way that you do not complete more than 2 transactions per order.
▪ If you have not completed the payment on time for the slot you booked, we freeze your order and move on to another order.
▪ If you do not contact us, then we will refund the money, without further waiting (provided that the process of working on the order has not yet begun).
Variations of basic positions services
OC Disign
▪Options depend on request and price:
1) Minimum creative freedom. More detailed terms of reference. Character sketch reference sheet, front and back views. Additional details are possible.
2) More Creative freedom, minimum technical specifications. Character sketch reference sheet, front and back views.
3) Redisign.
Model forL2D
▪In most cases, the option is always the same:
1) Digital 2D Full body model, according to a pre-prepared and confirmed character design.
❕ At the moment we are not engaged in half body models.
❕ We are not completing the models that were started by third parties (other performers).
L2D Rigging
▪Options depend on request and price:
1) Rigging of the prepared Nomi 2D model for subsequent archiving and preparation for intended use.
2) Animation. In some cases, we are considering animation of art or extra animation of the model.
❕ We are not finishing a rig that was started by third parties (other performers).
If you are already our client
You have the opportunity to request additions or changes to all of the above points in accordance with the usual commission rules.
Services we provide
Main positions & Bundles/Tariffs
❗ We provide basically only two sets of services:
1) Design + model + rigging
2) Model + rigging (according to your character design)
▪ And they, in turn, are divided into Bundles/Tariffs:
Silver(Basic), Flame(Standard), Diamond(Premium), Custom(Agencies only). Their full description and examples are on our website.
We will remain the sole copyright holder in the following cases:
▪ New designs and animation made by us (character/logo/other)
❕ If you are interested in the Full Commercial License, including source files, you may submit a request (via twitter), we will consider your request. We warn you in advance that this option will include royalty payments.
▪ This includes: Pretentious, overloaded designs, weighty details (tails, wings, horns, etc.), sequential animations (dances, reactions), and the like.
▪ Basic prices are indicated in our price list, everything that is not included in the list of tariffs is negotiated separately.
▪ We will offer prices depending on the complexity of their implementation and the interest that the work provides for us.
Additional service included in the set of basic items
▪ Free services: Logo (if you don't have one), Showcase.
▪ Paid service: NDA and urgency.
Included in standard order
1) without an OC designed by us:
▪ .RAR - You get a [.rar] archive with [.moc3] inside, the model is completely ready to stream
▪ SVG file your character's logo
▪ Access to our showcase your character
▪ Standard commercial license
2) with an OC designed by us:
▪ .PNG - Character sketch reference sheet in maximum quality.
▪ .RAR - You get a .rar archive with .moc3 inside, the model is completely ready to stream.
▪ SVG file your character's logo
▪ Access to our showcase your character
▪ Standard commercial license
Not included in standard order
❗ Files that we do not provide to anyone:
▪ Art/Model .psd (original file)
▪ Rigging/Animation .cmo3 (source rig)
❕ The original files remain only with the performers who worked directly with these files and in the studio's private database.
❕ We give access to third party from our performers only with your permission.
We distribute our slots quarterly.
❗ Filling in the form does NOT guarantee that your project will be accepted
▪ Slots are assigned in accordance with the studio criteria and do not depend on the date of the request.
▪ The slot date assigned to your project corresponds to its initialization. Not to its full realization
▪ We will always keep a limited number of slots reserved for existing clients, in case that they wish to upgrade/improve their model (upgrade from half body to full body, new outfit, adding facial expressions, etc.). Existing clients are entitled to contact us directly. This way, we can add them to our waitlist, even if we are closed for the quarter.
❕ Our reservations will remain open, as long as we're available, and will be closed if our quarterly quota is met.
▪ Average deadline: 2-4 months
▪ The maximum deadline is 6 months.
Secret and/or urgent projects
▪ Surcharge for limited NDA: +10% (+5% if you are a Twitch or YouTube Partner). NDA will be kept during the execution of the order and after its completion for no more than 3 months.
▪ Surcharge for NDA: +20% (+15% if you are a Twitch or YouTube Partner). NDA will be kept during the execution of the order and after its completion from 6 months or more.
▪ Urgent orders: Only in cases where we understand that we have the energy / time for this, and this can be done without delay for other orders. With a surcharge of 30% (no exceptions).
❗ The aforementioned conditions are independent and accumulative.
Refund and cancellation
▪ None of the products are fully refundable after the first sketch delivery.
▪ You can request a partial refund if your order is not completed after 6 months (calculated after the 1st day of the month that you purchased and paid for the slot on time).
▪ If you have not paid for your booked slot on time, then we have the right to refund your money and switch to another customer.
▪ If you request a refund, you automatically waive the right to own / use the files previously provided by us, if any have already been transferred.
▪ Early cancellation. If you decide to cancel your project and we haven't started working on it yet, you are entitled to a full refund.
▪ Freshly started sketch. In this case, you will receive the incomplete sketch. You will then get an 90% refund for your first payment, regardless of the payment plan you chose.
▪ Half-done sketch. In this case, you will receive the incomplete sketch. You will then get a 50% refund for your first payment, regardless of the payment plan you chose.
▪ Complete sketch without base colors. In this case, you will receive the sketch in high resolution and will not be entitled to any kind of refund.
▪ Tardy cancellation. If you decide to cancel your project mid-process (e.g. final artwork is ready to animate), you will be offered to put your project on hold. If you insist on cancelling, it will be considered as a severe violation If our terms. You will not be entitled to any kind of refund, you will not get any kind of file or artwork, and we will proceed to terminate our business relationship with you.
Business relationship termination
▪ If you have used PayPal's refund policy and returned your money not in accordance with our refund policy (in bad faith), then you will be automatically added to the blacklist. Your PayPal email, nickname, links to social networks from which you made communication / payment, become public.
Licenses and Copyright
Every file that Whice Studio provides to you is subject to a limited commercial license.
1) Standard license (design/model/rig)
Included by default in all our products at NO EXTRA COST.
▪ You have the right to use the model files we provide to you for commercial gain, but only on platforms focused on streaming and video content.
▪ If you wish to Instruct a third party someone to create a new Live2D model using our character design, you must purchase a character design license.
▪ You have the right to comercially exploit the files we provide to you in printed media, such as: stickers, charms, keychains, flyers, clothing, etc.
▪ Under the following conditions:
1. You must credit Whice Studio (on products and in social networks)
2. Forbidden resale to third parties files and copyright.
2) Character design license
Additional 300% of the total amount of your order
▪ We give the commercial right to use our design character, for everything except for the resale to third parties.
3) Commercial license (model+rig)
Additional 200% of the total amount of your order
▪ We give the commercial right to use the model/rig, for everything except the resale to third parties.
We will remain the sole copyright holder in the following cases:
▪ New designs made by us (character/logo/other stuffs)
▪ Art/Model .psd (original file)
▪ Rigging/Animation .cmo3 (source rig)
❕ If you are interested in the Full Commercial License, including source files, we would require you to submit a request, we will consider your request. We warn you in advance that this option will include royalty payments.